The thyroid gland is one of the most important glands of the human body located in the throat. The location of the thyroid gland is just below the lump that appears in the male throat known as Adams apple. The thyroid gland produces hormones that are responsible for managing the process of metabolism. Metabolism is the process that produces energy from food. Food is processed with chemical energy to produce heat and energy. This is the way in which the body is able to provide energy for its various functions. The thyroid gland stimulates this function based on various factors such as the need for energy as well as the availability of fuel for energy production. There are other important areas where the thyroid glad works as well. The hormones released by the thyroid gland control important functions such as the body's use of vitamins as the body's production of muscle tissue.
There are two different conditions that can affect the thyroid gland. These are Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism indicates the slow functioning of the thyroid gland. This would mean that metabolism and muscle growth tend to slow down. Hyperthyroidism, on the other hand, occurs when the thyroid gland is functioning at an excessively high speed. Both these conditions are treatable if they are caused by some hormonal or chemical imbalance.
People who suffer from thyroid problems display a number of different symptoms. These symptoms can be used to figure out the underlying cause of their medical condition. People who suffer from hypothyroidism or low thyroid function will display symptoms that include poor cold tolerance, low energy levels, rapid onset of fatigue, low appetite and constipation. These conditions will happen fairly quickly as the condition sets in. There are other conditions such as dry skin, weight gain, hair loss, depression and loss of cognitive efficiency that come in at a later stage when patients are plagued with the condition for long periods of time. The problem of weight gain occurs because the body does not end up using its available energy resources. Some of these resources are stored as fat for later use. This is what leads to weight gain.
For hyperthyroidism, there are some symptoms that occur to the person which needs to be understood. People with hyperthyroidism tend to suffer from insomnia, nervousness, frequent bowel movements, loss of weight, sweating, tremors and the feeling of being hot even in cool or cold conditions. Such individuals will also suffer from difficulty in concentration. As one can see, most of the symptoms of hypothyroidism are reverse to hyperthyroidism.
It is important to understand that these symptoms are often difficult to notice. The issue is that most of these variations in body functions tend to be brushed off without being noticed. It is only when an individual takes a stock of his or her health that the problem may come to light.
Home Remedies:
1. Iodine
2. Seaweed like Kelp, Bladder Wrack
3. Flaxseed
4. Evening Primrose Oil
5. Coconut Oil
6. Nettle Herb
7. Black Walnut
8. Yoga:
- Pranayama (the yogic breathing technique)
- Cat Pose (Bidalasana)
- Dog Pose
9. Eat frequent small portion low calorie and low sugar food and which has lot of fiber like whole grains and necessary amount of protein.
10. Sun Rays
11. Balance Estrogen Levels
12. Pears and Apples
13. Exercise
Much informative post dear. Thanks for the home remedies too.
Thank you dear...:) trying to help who have similar issue as mine :)
Hi, blog hopping and found your blog.
Interesting post.
Most of the symptoms of thyroid dysfunction go unnoticed. Now a days doctors usually check Thyroid functions when someone meets them with menstrual problems and other vague symptoms. The TFT (Thyroid function tests) are very sensitive and the problem can be detected with reasonable amount of accuracy. It is a good practice to check the blood for TFT especially in women once in a while even if the person feels ok.
There are many diseases other than the conditions you have mentioned that affect thyroid gland that ranges from simple goitre due to Iodine deficiency to cancerous nodules. The Physician will do a thorough checkup when he suspects some thyroid problems. Luckily most of the conditions respond to treatment very well, even some of the cancers that affect the gland.
Hypothyroidism responds well to hormonal treatment. Other remedies have not been proved scientifically to be effective.
Yoga, balanced diet, nutritious foods, exercise etc. help in leading a healthy life and these are part and parcel of maintaining health, to be disease free. But if there is a disease like Hypothyroidism it should be treated with proper medications.
Simple goitre is a condition of swelling of thyroid gland due to Iodine deficiency. Now a days common salt is fortified with Iodine to ensure adequate supply of Iodine in the population. Eating fish and Iodine rich sea vegetables like Kelp that is popular among Japanese are also good. Doctors will suggest scanning of the swollen thyroid gland to detect what the problem really is.
The important thing is to check periodically TFT, treat the condition, if diagnosed, properly and scientifically and all other general measures to be considered as add on or complementary. Black walnut, kelp, bladder wrack etc. supply adequate Iodine. Extra virgin coconut oil is also advocated by some but scientific evidence is lacking. Flaxseeds are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. Some recommend ginger and Siberian ginseng. Sun exposure helps in getting adequate Vitamin D that helps in improving the oevrall general wellbeing. Exercise also helps.
All these may complement the definitive hormonal treatment. If hypothyroidism is not due to Iodine deficiency then Iodine supplementation is not going to work.
Check this
Early and proper diagnosis and scientific treatment are very much important.
All the best ! Nice blog, continue blogging...
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